
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Irritation between hubby and wifey hubby is irritated with me. I can't believe it. He is not like that. I am not used to it. Well, I fundamentally think it is not good. You should get let irritation crept into the relationship. It is the first sign of a negative feeling. From a slight irritation it will lead to dislike and lead to disatisfaction and then lead to anger and more and more negative feelings until it is out of control.

As husband and wife, we must stop it. We cannot allow ourselves to be irritated with each other. We may not agree on everything and we may not like something about each other - we are human - there is no 100% perfect. We are human, we are sinners, we are imperfect but as a couple, we should not let irritation crept in. For eg. I don't like his snoring but I should not let it irritate me. As a couple, we are forgiving, we should encourage and support each other.

Don't get me wrong, it is not that we just allow each other to be whoever, whatever!! It's not that. We should tell each other how we feel about each other whether good or bad - this is the whole point of communication! And because we love each other, we will adjust / change / make the effort for each other. But we must not let it get to us. We must not let this negative feeling of irritation surface. Cos once it does we are feeling each other in a negative way.

I felt he is irritated with me cos he thinks I don't listen to him, I don't pay attention to him and I am always distracted with something else when I am with him. It is irritating him and I feel that he is on the lookout for when I will do wrong. He will attack me instantly when he feels I am doing that cos he is consumed by his irritation. Because he gets irritated, his negative reaction to me will be stronger which then makes me feel he is attacking me.

This is really not good, I don't like it and I don't feel good about it. What happened to be ever loving and forgiving and supportive husband? He has always given me a feeling a unconditional love, always forgiving, ever loving!! I may have overused it. Is it payback time?

Well...I hope he does not change. I think it will be very difficult for me. He has been my pillar of strength and assurance because he is so loving. I want it this way. I want him to love me more. I don't want him to be disatisfied with me.

More so......I don't want to start to be irritated with him. It will just open the flood gate.....

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