
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dreams - Take a Break, Hide in the Toilet

I had a weird dream last night.

I don't really know where I was but I remember it was a dingy old looking office building. Jenz was searching for the toilet. She went into on washroom and was grumbling when it was being washed. Then she went on to find another washroom nearby and was gleefully happy that it was available. She opened the door and I could see that it was kinda a dark looking smelly toilet. She went in and then came up again still smiling, took a book and a chair and went in again. She was going to lay down meaning body at the toilet bowl, legs stretched out chair to read her book. Huh???

I woke up feeling kinda yucky. Maybe I needed a toilet. But I guess it is just a reminder that I have taken breaks from work before by hiding in the toilet. However, never really stretching out that way! And I make sure the toilet is clean and odor free as much as possible.

Have you hidden in toilet to take a break from work?


Legal Cat said...

As I don't need to hide to take a break, I do need to have a clean toilet and a book when I do my business. Does that count?

Dreamz said...

Clean toilets all the way man!!!