
Friday, October 24, 2008

2 Money dreams - what do they mean?

1st Dream

My cousin Leng and hubby was outside the gate. Her hubby was shouting how they have found a way to make loads of money. He was gloating gleefully. Leng looked at him with warning eyes not to reveal what the secret is. They came into the house. I was rather annoyed. "Why was Leng being so selfish?" We are family, if she did not want to share, then don't gloat. I decided to confront her as I see no reason to keep dislike in my heart. I asked her to come in the room with me. By now she has morphed into my cousin brother KC. I voiced my dissatisfaction with her selfishness, he started crying on my shoulders, he was sorry! But he did not tell me what was the secret of making loads of money! Shucks!

2nd Dream

My hubby took me to a dingy looking hotel room. He said he wanted us to experienced poverty!! huh??!! The room was small and dark. Scary! Then we went outside the hotel to wait for his friend. It looked like a bus stand. They were a lot of people around and there was a pick-pocket going around trying to take stuff from people's bags. We went back to the to hotel. Slept on the hard bed and I woke up, crying..."I don't want to stay in this cheap dirty hotel. Please don't force me to experience poverty!!"

I woke up! Hmmm.......what do they mean? The depressing news of the current economic situation must be getting into me.

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