
Friday, November 7, 2008

Another Toilet Dream

It is really strange but I think a lot of my dreams revolves around me being in the toilet. I really wonder why. Maybe it is because my bladder is full while I am sleeping. You think that could be the reason?

Here's was what I dreamt yesterday.

I went into the ladies toilet. Somehow I am always doing some else in the toilet other than what I technically supposed to be doing. This time, I was on the phone talking and I was sitting very comfortably on the toilet bowl. Imagine it looks like a "toilet bowl sofa" cos it almost feels like it has soft seats and corners. Suddenly someone walked in. It was a really really tall back guy. I could see his face and he could see me in the toilet. The is an opening at the top of the toilet door and an opening at the bottom too. So I could see his shoes and also his head looking into me sitting on my toilet bowl. That's how tall he was.

What is he doing in the ladies toilet????? It was really strange. Then he went out. I finished my phone conversation and went out of the toilet. The toilet turned out to be a mens toilet. What's this??
Dream ended.

Why I dreamt of toilet - I really don't know. But the black guy - I could attribute it to Obama's presidential victory this week. As for me going into the men's toilet - tell me?!!


Legal Cat said...

Maybe some basketball player that you know

Dreamz said...

Come to think of it...he was really really tall...yeah like a basketball player!!