
Friday, January 14, 2011


Imagine I woke up from my dream with the word BELITTLING clearly spelled out in my mind. It was weird almost like a message to me. Or maybe I am just stressed in my sleep.

Whatever it is, I have been having loads of dreams everynite and each time with different adventures and usually I wake up with vivid memories of what transpired. But I don't write them now immediately and as such the memories fades and I can't remember much after.

But this dream had a word that rang out. Belittling.

I can't remember much, I can't remember where and what was happening around. I remember it was a conversation with my aunt.

Aunt said - I know you are not working and spending time at home. Don't you think it is BELITTLING to women kind that you choose to stay home?

I was really upset but I held it inside. I composed myself. I held myself together and very rationally I try to make her see how ridiculous she sounds. BELITTLING to women because I choose not to work, how absurd does that sound.!!!????

The word Belittling woke me up. What is this message? Is it belittling now that I am not at work? Sigh.

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