
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Men who keep their marital status a secret...

My girlfriend told me about a male colleague of hers who recently got married but yet don't want others to know. He is pretty successful, 30 something, a little full of himself - the type who thinks that he is eligible and a hot property to women. He was probably a bit of a player and dated around when he was single.

He has been dating his girlfriend for more than 1 year now and they recently got married. Even when he was dating her, he did not talk much about his girlfriend. But now that he is married, apparently he does not want people to know. It is like a big secret.

So what is it about a man who want to keep his marital status a secret? Is he still hoping that another girl comes along and he wants to keep his options open?

Is she pregnant? Well, nope she is not, so that is not the reason for secrecy.

So I don't really understand men who wants to keep the marital status a secret. Many of them also do it discreetly by not wearing their wedding band! If they are so faithful to their wives, why would they not give all the indications that they are married to others?

Can you stand it if your man decides to keep your relationship a secret? In what circumstances would you allow it? What reasons would he say to convince you?

For me....I would not marry the man if the relationship would be a secret whether for a while or whatever. It just sounds too fishy.

Who would want to be a wife in the dark? Or a girlfriend in the dark? Don't kid yourself to say that you are with him for whatever best reasons he may have. Don't start in a secretive relationship. It will just eat you up!

1 comment:

Dreamz said...

Agreed...there are idiots out there.