
Monday, December 1, 2008

This cup of Starbucks nearly knocked me OUT!

It is depressing but I may have to succumb to the fact that I can no longer be the cool coffee drinker at Starbucks.

I love to have morning meetings at Starbucks. Getting out of the office is good but meeting my suppliers in Starbuckks in the morning not only is casual but also builds a strong and closer relationship with them.

So, this morning, feel rather cool, I had yet another morning meeting in the Starbucks. My usual Vanilla Latte.

The meeting went well!

As I was driving back.....I started feeling a little uncomfortable. It felt like a headache was coming.

I went into office. Took a couple of gulps of water to wash down the caffeine. Hope I will be feeling better.

Went into a 2 hour meeting. My heart started throbbing. is 2pm, maybe I was just hungry. But at that time, I was feeling really uncomfortable. Let me get some food into my stomach.

Had another telecon but I was ready to zonk out.

I need to leave the office. I need to rest my head.

Oh goodness! Got into car, trying hard to hold my head....3pm and there is traffic!!!!! Get out of the way. My head is about to burst and I am about to puke! Get out of my way!!!

Reached home, drop my stuff, went straight up to my room, changed my clothes and lie down on my bed.

Did not move for the next 2 hours. I woke up feeling better. But with the sad reality that I may never order coffee at Starbucks again.

Sigh...I will have to a tea drinker at Starbucks!!??


Spank-A-Lot said...

As a previous starbucks barrister in my teens, it is likely that there was either a problem with the vanilla syrup or the expresso shot was bad. Another likely possibility is that u had coffee on an empty stomach. Don't give up the coffee, it can't be you. =)

Dreamz said...

Well...I hope you are right....I want to drink coffee at Starbucks!! :)