
Monday, May 18, 2009

This is my Health Resolution

Ok ..reality hits...I am getting fat and my body no longer reacts positively to everything that I eat.

I get a headache from coffee.
My hearts beat 2 times faster when I drink Ipoh White Coffee.
My metabolic rate is much slower.
I eat half of what I used to eat but still fat.
My stomach can no longer take chilli.
Chilli now gives a a "flowery backside" (in Chinese).

So this is it. I have to change my lifestyle and my eating habit. The fact that I have IBS makes it even more critical for me to change. If not I will be having bowels issues and farting issues all the time!

So this is what I want to do :-

1) Coffee is only allows once a week.
2) Other times, should be water, milk, milo and also reduce teh tarik kurang manis
3) Eat slowly, chew my food.
4) Eat 4 - 5 times a day. Breakfast(9am), Break(11am), Lunch(12.30), Break(3.30pm), Dinner (7pm), Supper(10pm).
5) No more Chilli Padi, Reduce All sorts of chillies! Just don't take it. Don't be tempted. Just stop eating Chilli - try it for a week ok. Oh yeah - eat garlic as replacement instead!
6) Exercise - at least 4 times a day!

Easier written than to do. We'll see. Wish me luck.


Superman said...

Yes. Exercise is the most important thing to do. Wish you can get better asap. :p

Dreamz said...

Thanks Thanks!!