
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year Resolutions...why bother?

Happy New Year everyone.

Apologies for the silence, I have been hibernating from blogging to enjoy my Christmas and New Year holidays. But the real reason is that I was spending some quality no-blogging time with my hubby.

I had a great time during this holiday season, so much so that I did not even bother to make any new year resolutions. I used to do it every year, I make a list, and always promise myself I will be a better person in the new year and a list of other to do stuff.

After so many years, I realized that it is not about making a list of "new year resolutions". We do not need a special date to make a resolution. A resolution can be made anytime!

And if you are committed to make that resolution happen, it will happen.

If not, it will just be another resolution made because it is " a new year" but it does not get done. You will probably do it for one or 2 weeks and then you would forget all about it.

So, I have stopped making new year resolutions. No point making resolutions that I would not keep.

Have you made any resolutions for 2009? Since it is day 6, any progress....?

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